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Git Tutorial

A general explanation about git can be found below. This tutorial explains the different stages of working with git in our team. This graph shows the process.

Git & GitHub

Git is the version control system (VCS) that we use for team code, and we host our git repositories on GitHub.

Some git terminology:

  • repository (repo) - the project folder.
  • commit - a group of changes that do something / a point in the history of the repo.
  • branch - a commit history of the repo.
  • clone - create a local copy of the repository.
  • push - update the remote repository with your local changes.
  • pull - update your local repository with the remote changes.
  • pull request (PR) - a request to merge the changes in a branch to the main branch.

frc-docs has a good explanation of Git basics and a tutorial for creating your first repository.

k88hudson/git-flight-rules is also a good reference on how to do stuff in git.

This tutorial is for creating Pull Requests based on our Git workflow. Our git workflow: